Contractor Testimonials

See what our contract MOT testers and vehicle technicians say about working with Autotech Recruit.

Contractor Testimonials


We understand that giving up a permanent job can be daunting but trust us, the vast majority of those who did, never looked back! With over 300+ contractors in our network, Autotech Recruit is the leading provider of work for highly skilled vehicle technicians and MOT testers in the UK. Here are some of the testimonials our contractors kindly agreed for us to share with you.

Autotech Recruit is rated Excellent on Trustpilot. See our reviews.

After 32 years in the motor trade, joining Autotech Recruit is the best thing I ever did. You are made to feel like part of a very close family, paid well, not tied down and free to work as you want. My only regret is not joining them sooner.


After using Autotech Recruit for almost two years now I can confidently say that they are a great bunch to work with. They communicate well and always ensure you have work. The manufacturer lead training is a brilliant idea and ensures you are always trained on the latest technology and not left out of the loop. I would highly recommend them to a friend or family member.


Work is never an issue. You’re respected far more than you are as a full-time employee because of the circumstances of your attendance - you are there to help. You will meet lots of amazing people and if you cut the mustard then you’ll have the opportunities to progress at a rate that is reflected by your abilities as an individual!


Hear what our contractors had to say

I had hesitations on joining Autotech Recruit... Would I fit in? Are my standards good enough for the company? I need not have had any. I was made to feel at home from day one. The team have looked after me very well.
Some of the best things about working for Autotech Recruit are the flexibility of the days one works, the variety of placements and the feeling that everything is taken care of for you. I would recommend working for Autotech Recruit.


Best job I've ever had, I get to meet lots of different people from the trade and get paid well. I wish I had done this a lot sooner. I love how helpful the office guys are and my career is flexible enough for all of life's little complex turns.


Since day one I have never been out of work, the guys have been great backup and motivation. This is good money in the real world of the manic world motor trade.


I started working with Autotech Recruit because of a desperate need for work! My only regret so far has been that I did not start sooner. Manufacturer training and a proper rate of pay being just two of the reasons I continue to work with and enjoy working with Autotech Recruit.


I have been working as a contractor for six years and can honestly say it is the best working decision that I have made. I like the flexibility of being able to work when I want to work and keep my weekends free for family and hobbies.


Before working for Autotech Recruit I was in two minds about working for an agency as I was told many negative stories. Now that I have worked for Autotech Recruit, I couldn’t have found a better company to work for. My consultant is a great person – very helpful and always there when I need any advice. I would recommend Autotech Recruit to all my friends as it is an awesome company to work for, with great benefits and with very helpful members of staff.

Autotech Apprentice working

I’ve been working for Autotech Recruit for a year now. When I first started I was a bit doubtful as I didn’t know what to expect and the thought of working away from home never appealed to me. But I took a chance at it and I’ve really enjoyed myself. Different places, meeting different people and picking up new skills. The guys from Autotech Recruit have been brilliant from day one, from registering till now. If I had a problem, which was few and far between, I picked the phone up and it was dealt with no excuses. At this present moment in time I have no intentions of leaving Autotech Recruit as I like what I am doing and they have never left me without work.


For myself contracting is a full-time job but under different conditions. Working with Autotech Recruit brings many advantages and one of them is independence. Pay rates are very good and I am confident that very few employers can offer more than can be achieved annually with Autotech Recruit, despite working less. The company always is the people, and I can say that Autotech Recruit is a team of professionals whose attitude is excellent. All customers and contractors are treated equally, professionally and with respect.

I've been with Autotech Recruit for just over 16 months and love the freedom I get being a contractor. It's nice going to different places and meeting people and the best bit... I earn better for doing less. Need I say more?!


Working as a relief tech does not suit everybody. Fear of the unknown and self-confidence are the biggest hurdles to overcome. I always put the upside of freedom of choice. A lot of assignments can be financially rewarding and over the year, you will overall be better off and choose your downtime as holidays. The consultant is the most important person in the chain and I have total respect and trust in mine.


I have been working for Autotech Recruit just over 18 months. When I started, I didn’t realise the demand for good technicians at short notice. I enjoy the variety and flexibility that the work offers. The consultants I have dealt with have always tried their best and go over and above to ensure everything goes smoothly.
The financial rewards are very good. Combined with the flexibility and variety, this makes it a perfect career for a more mature person. I do and have promoted the job to other technicians. I will be continuing as a contractor for a long while.


On starting work with Autotech Recruit in August 2014 I had very little idea of how many different automotive companies I would be working for. In this time I have always been very busy with little or no downtime due to lack of contracts. The work is challenging as we repair all makes of vehicles and I find working with different people throughout the country has given me more confidence in myself. I found the consultants I have worked for very helpful. Autotech Recruit are willing to work with me by giving me time to do all the things I like to do. I don’t work Saturdays now which helps me do more of my hobby teaching people to scuba dive. I have always promoted Autotech Recuit to other people I meet as a professional and caring company to work for. I’m looking forward to a long and very busy time with Autotech Recruit.
